Hotbet is a groundbreaking synthetic DeFi project that introduces a twist to the ordinary betting ecosystem.
Most betting “casinos” based on or funded by a ERC-20 token fail to garner enough betting volume to be considered legitimate or profitable to holders (by way of revenue share).
Instead of requiring that users gamble extra money, the Hotbet concept recognizes that investors are already “gamblers” by definition, when they purchased the token itself. The Hotbet concept rewards investors appropriately, whilst giving them an opportunity to bet in a fun and engaging manner that requires no spending, and most importantly, isn’t hampered by jurisdictional laws. Betting can take place from and is permitted anywhere in the world.
This whitepaper provides an overview of Hotbet Token's innovative features, which include an intricate backend system, a connected database, reward mechanisms for user engagement, and the provision of race passes for betting activities.
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